Board of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners of Viola meets the second Tuesday every other month starting in February except where otherwise noted:

NOTE: The meetings will now be held in Viola Town Hall located at 18 Church Street, Viola, Delaware.

Council Meeting 2024 Schedule:

  • Monday: February 12 – 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday: April 9 – 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday: June 11 – 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday: August 13 – 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday: October 8 – 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday: December 10 – 6:00 pm


Steve Jingozian, President


George Mayer

Councilman at Large:

Jerry Waters

Councilman at Large:

Betty Torbert

Councilman at Large:

Brad Whitenight